When a new semester is about to start, this is the time you find students and parents purchasing to see everything is set at the beginning of the semester. Among the budget are textbooks which appear to be the most painful recurring expense, especially if you had forgotten about them during your purchase. The following are some of the tips you should consider when looking for the cheap  textbooks.

The first aspect to foster on is to find out the type of book you need. Before deciding to buy a book, you need to find out the kind of book you need. You can get the information on which book to buy from your department’s website or professor’s course web page. You will need to get the author, book title, edition and the year of publish. You can do some searching on google or log-in on some books website and end up getting the cheapest books.

The second element to look at is to check whether a friend has those books. Check with your friends to see if they have that book and if they have you can borrow or just buy it. In online mostly, the seller makes it up to 40% since they are selling the books from one student to another. If you buy the book and maybe wish to the seller it back to the owner the deal ranges from 30% and 35%. With that, you can get some profit as well as the owner who fast sold you. It then becomes a fair deal for both of you.

The third thing is to go for a used book. If you don’t find the book, you need from your friend the next thing you can do is to go for a used book. However, you need to be careful about such books. For instance, you can check to see whether the amount set on the book fits in for the particular book.

The last tip is that you should never go for renting books. Some experts are mostly paid by big companies to advise on going for renting books. You should ask yourself if you cannot afford to buy a new book, how then you will be able to cope with renting? It is therefore not advised to go for those books. If a book goes for 6000 and the renting cost goes for about 8000, you should then go for the new book. You can sell it later for maybe 4000 and end up making some profit rather than just wasting lots of money on renting. Find more here: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book.